Friday, January 21, 2011


There are several plans. The Masterplan. The backup plan. The fallback plan. The long term plan. Every single one is in effect as I type this. I hope that the Masterplan will help the long term plan. I might have to do extra if I want the backup plan to continue. It's all riddles right now. Maybe someday you'll know what was what.

Actually did a few things around the house today. Hung a few pictures, got my shred on, and organized my mountain of medical bills. Also made the monthly pilgrimage to Pauls Valley and finally found the Atkins bars that the Mrs. likes.

Not much going on this weekend except for best friend time with Artie and maybe a podcast. The last one took forever to catch on, but it's finally at an acceptable number that I can justify some new material for the masses.

That's all for today. Here's the song. No reason, just for the hell of it really.

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